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Student Wellness

Student Wellness provides students with free, confidential access to a professional counsellor any time, anywhere, via phone or internet.

Staffed by a team of highly trained and qualified professionals who are experts in fields such as well-being, family matters, relationships, debt management, employment issues and much more.

In Canada 1-833-549-3281
Direct Dial Outside of Canada 416-956-2963

Cape Breton University Students' Union, CBUSU
Holland College Student Union, HCSU
Mount Allison Students’ Union, MASU
Mount Saint Vincent University Students' Union, MSVUSU
New Brunswick College of Craft and Design, NBCCDSA
Northwestern Polytechnic Students’ Association, NWPSA
SAIT Students' Association, Saitsa
St. Thomas University Students' Union, STUSU
Students' Association of Medicine Hat College, SAMHC
Students' General Association Laurentian University, SGA
University of Calgary Graduate Students Association, UCGSA
University of Prince Edward Island Student Union, UPEISU